Ottogi Cheese Ramen

I was told that Ottogi Cheese Ramen was spicy and since it was from Ottogi and therefore Korea why wouldn’t I believe it? The packaging shows a bowl of red soup with broccoli, corn, cheese, ham? and carrots in it. The red would come from kimchi? The entire bowl is being reigned over by a cheese headed fairy spitting cheese dust into the soup.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Label Ottogi Cheese Ramen Directions          Ottogi Cheese Ramen Front

The noodle brick was very light colored and the noodles looked somewhat thick.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Ramen BlockOttogi Cheese Ramen Ramen Block Side

Three packets of flavoring came with this ramen.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Packages

The powder out of this one is obviously the cheesy powder and it extremely fine and light.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Cheese PacketOttogi Cheese Ramen Cheese Powder

Besides the cheese flavoring there was this packet of seasoning which should provide the main seasoning for the soup.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Seasoning PacketOttogi Cheese Ramen Seasoning Powder

The dehydrated veggies came with many of the things shown on the packaging but I couldn’t make anything out that looked like broccoli. Otherwise all ingredients look like they’ve been covered. Very interested in that meat looking cube.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Veggie PacketOttogi Cheese Ramen Veggies

Dumped into a bowl and steeped for the recommended period I have to say it smells cheesy and the coloring doesn’t look nearly as red as the packing. The soup was good and was definitely cheesy. The spiciness I was told would be there just wasn’t. Either I was told wrong or I got a dud. Because of this inconsistency I shall try another day. It was good if not disappointing as I’d hoped for spicy and cheesy.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Cooked

The meaty block was decent for texture but didn’t have a lot of flavor.

Ottogi Cheese Ramen Meat

5 out of 10

Consistency – Slightly thicker than average soup due to the cheesiness.

Spiciness – I was led to believe this was spicy but was unable to find it. Calls for another try and I don’t mind because it was a pretty good bowl of ramen otherwise.

Ingredients – I found all of the ingredients that the packaging showed except for the broccoli. It might have been nice if there were more corn to add a sweet flavor, if were actually spicy that is.

Noodles – These noodles were a really good fit for a cheesy soup. They were kind of on the thick side and had a nice texture that went well with the cheese.