Nissin Chili Noodles

Nissin Chili Noodles Cover

Nissin Chili Noodles sound like the perfect noodle for me. First I love a good amount of spiciness. I love new textures to food and these noodles promised chili not just in the seasoning but in the noodles themselves. I’ve had a lot of disappointment from Nissin so the approach to these noodles was cautious like a rabbit nibbling a carrot in a trap. Will the Ramen Ruler get snared?


Nissin Chili Noodles Seasoning
Nissin Chili Noodles Oil

Included in this package of MSG love are one noodle block, a sachet of oil for consistency and of course the sachet seasoning. Pretty standard except for the noodle brick.


The noodles in Nissin Chili Noodles were the biggest draw. Chili in the noodles itself! Upon opening the package the noodles were definitively colored red. The noodles brick was of the smaller variety that I’ve come to expect from a Thai ramen package.


The seasoning was pretty standard and very little stood out as far as appearance and smell. The oily paste was a little scary in that it was so clumped but interesting as well. 


Nissin Chili Noodles Noodle Bowl
Nissin Chili Noodles Noodle Bowl Side

These noodles were OK but nothing very interesting outside the chili-noodles. Overall impressions were that it was a little spicy, strong tomato and lemon flavor. There was a overall tomato after taste from these noodles. The thing that really stands out about this package of noodles from Nissin is the raw noodles themselves. Chili infused inside the noodles are what really excited me about this package and while they might have been more dominant in the flavor when I tried some raw they were still present. It doesn’t hurt that Thai noodles are already made with chicken stock and have a little flavor in them before adding anything. Overall I’d say these are pretty good to eat as a dry snack so adding water is optional and I’d say less desirable to eating them as a snack.

Nissin Chili Noodles










